Tuesday, September 11, 2012

School Days

Becoming a "Home School Mom,"  happened much like becoming a "Stay at Home Mom,"....by accident. Or was the thought always there?....some where in the back of my mind..... lingering with the doubts of my patience and ability? Honestly i don't really know the answer. But, homeschooling is in my blood and woven tightly with my ideas of mothering. My memories of being home schooled are among my happiest moments as a child. The confidence that was instilled in me, by my mother, at our kitchen table, is something that to this day has proven invaluable. If you are faced with a problem, you go out and fix it. If you have a question, you ask until you receive an answer. Go out.....touch the world...... hold it in your hands....and then write a report about it...over and over again...until your handwriting is perfect....

And so we began the journey of home kindergarten.

We laid out a plan...we built a room......

and we took a chance......uniform Hello Kitty pj's.....Yes this is our first day of school picture....

......she may or may not have gotten dressed for the day....

Ok, so maybe the pj's stayed on all morning, but who does AB patterns on the first day of kindergarten? Ava does..that's who....and then ABA, ABC, ABAC...well, you get the picture. Ava is a math whiz, and i get to witness every glorious light bulb as it goes off in my beautiful girl's eyes.

Sitting beside Ava every single morning in this new role of teacher, has opened up a new chapter in our relationship. Watching, in awe of my first baby...... of the intelligent, kind, competent,  little-big girl she has become...

Truly being in the moment...... and present...knowing that this will pass as quickly as her babyhood.......
Sweet Ava.....how much i love you.
And Paloma...well lets just say she keeps herself quite busy.

Each and every morning starts off the same way....first line of business...demolition..

Little hands know exactly what to do.....

until finally she achieves her goal...

and all is right in the world.....

"What does the cow say Paloma?"

For those of you that don't speak photo, that would be a "Mooooooooooo!"

And a sleep apnea update...mama's got back up.....

And all is right in the world.........

1 comment:

  1. Hailey and Paloma would make good friends. Demolition is Hailey's favorite activity :-)
