Thursday, September 20, 2012


I had a post planed about flash cards and homemade books....and to brag about Paloma's recent (amazing) speech evaluation.

But i don't want to write about that.....I want to write about something more important.


We love to dance in our home...we dance every single day. We sing, we holler, we jump and spin. When daddy comes home he grabs the closest girl and twirls. It's true...

 You never know what song will play next on the ipod plugged into Ava's old karaoke machine, and if Ava isn't around i'll let the Jay Z song keep playing. Because Paloma can break it down and mama loves a good beat.

Why do we dance so much? It wasn't always this way. Sure we indulged in a weekly dance party or two, but this has gotten quiet out of control....

Paloma crawls first thing in the morning to the ipod..........i say, "Paloma do you want music?" She waits.....i search the songs until i find one that is suitable for our kinda moves and it starts.....i pick up Paloma, we shimmy and shake...Ava turns the corner she does her number then points at me...i do a few embarrassing moves, and when the song is over we go about our morning routine....but Paloma...she dances until breakfast is served.

I love this morning must have. I love that my girls feed off of music as much as i do. And you have not seen pure joy until you have seen Paloma dance.........

big finish.......

I think someone has found their calling:)

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