Friday, March 16, 2012

Lucky Charm

Ava made me a mama.....

Ava loves when i tell her all of the beauties and extra specialness of that first baby. She loves to hear how upon seeing her all i could say was, "Thank you Jesus"......She loves to hear her birth story, snuggled up close to me, we go over every detail.....she knows her story by heart......

It doesn't seem possible that in just a few hours, my sweet girl will turn five.....five is the very edge of big girl....and as of tonight, she has a missing tooth to prove it.......In case your wondering, yes...i cried

Being Ava's mama is sacred and something so embedded into who i am, that it is difficult to put into words... having Paloma has only heightened this relationship and created a stronger bond between first baby..My Ava.

Going through pictures for this post, and seeing my baby again, was so bitter sweet. It is so easy to let time slip by, not to notice the subtle changes that occur day by day......until the only Ava that i see is my big girl....i guess she's always been my big girl.....

Ava always ahead of the game, Ava so witty and smart, Ava beautiful inside and out..........
Thank you Jesus.........
Happy Happy Birthday my lucky charm......I love you to the moon and back...

1 comment:

  1. Happy 5th birthday Ava! You are just as gorgeous as your mama!

